Hehehe...the reindeer is dead, get it?
Apart from a plane falling down from the sky, the Earthquake that shook Australia yesterday at midnight...which technically speaking is today and prince Charles being investigated for the car crash "accident" of princess Diana nothing else that cud interest you in my life has happened. But this is a blog so i have to tell you what has happened since my last post....bare with me hehe. Tatas bday was still being celebrated untill last night, the official dinner took place so my family gathered at the house once again. Im glad to say had fun in a family activity for once. A big fuss was made, everyone was called up to give a little speach and all that sentimental family spirit stuff my uncles family is into on every gathering. Even yari was there and spoke. My dad was just insainly drunk, talking complete craisins...very very funny. The highlight of course was the ridiculous amount of fire works me and my uncle bought for my little cousins which then engaged in lighting the street on fire, and im serious, the street. I have to admit que yo tome parte de la hazaƱa luego de inherir suficiente sidra como para no darme cuenta que los fuegos artificiales ivan y venian cerca de mi cabeza. Here's the thing, tatas bday was not where the night ended, my smaaart smarrrt girlfriend had me convinced we were gonna join her friends at a club para la despedida de una tal wendy, pero pa lo k ya conocen a yari sabran que na le sale jevi...resulto que cuando estabamos en camino sus amigas estaban todas en romana...mira que bien. Parkeo bar y shots pa mi y pa yari como hata la 2am. Not fuuuuuunny. Por suerte me llamo fernando que estaba en la azotea de un edificio borracho en una fiesta de un amigo que cuando llegamos por supuesto no era de ningun amigo el solo estaba ahi...y estaban las modelos de johnny walker repartiendo whisky gratis...fuuuuunny. Solamente recuerdo cojiendo pa una bomba a comer pizza y llegando a mi casa. Se que me quede dormido pk me levante con la misma ropa....y pusieron una puerta en mi cuarto por fin...litterally thay had it mounted in the morning when i was sleeping...i woke up and i had a door. im at work and i dont want to be here...kiero llegar a la casa pa grabarle la baina a david y mandarsela. He's probably home fighting with his alter ego who he believe he killed. much love, kisses to all...who ever read this far really has nothing to do in life...u probably never get laid
Listening to : Sleater Kinney on Sirius "Left of Center"....not really that good
hehehehe....i bet hes not
If course I do...not as much as I d like, but I manage.
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