Monday, April 03, 2006

New York

Prepare....for this is a long post. Got in the plane and landed in miami where charlie and nivv waited for me at the airport exit like they promised. Rudy was in charlies car fucking around since we got there....supposedly lookig for a parking space but raced out of nowhere instead. That was my first impression of him. They are incredible guys charlie's friends. We had fun in new york but in miami it just felt like i was with family. Anyways that night we went to rock bar...oh no thats not how it starts, we go to FIU and went to Gracie's, this cafeteria on campus where they sell beer to you and get really drunk instead of going to class. Alot of ppl from romana that i hadnt seen in ages showed up, Oscar was there and i saw Mari too...mari if you are reading this te quiero mucho and i miss you. Thats also where i met cupcake who is the nicest guy in the world and also has, i have to mention, beautiful tiny hands hehehehe....he kind of brigs the balance to the group but dont be fooled...he did some spontaneous crazy shit out of nowhere aswell. After that i got to charlie's house to say hello and to get ready to go out. El antropologo as bio (el abuelo de charlie) calls Rudy was there eating all the gummy bears while we dressed up....not really we stayed in the same clothes...which were the same clothes that we stayed in for about 3 more days....its just how things are in the wild west. We went to "rock bar" where we immediately got shit faced. Rock bar is a really cool place if your getting down with putting up with complete jerks like us who are falling on top of ppl drunk and hitting on/scaring chicks away. It was just fucking cool....i met Stephan too who is kind of like charlie's unofficial pimp in a way. He calls and gives the coordinates for the parties. The guy is alot of fun, not to mention that he is the singer from bloc party hehehe...igualito. Good times Stephan.

We did alot more shit in miami that im not gonna go into detail...ill mention them in my future posts. For now im gonna move on pk faltan fotos y unos videitos de unos tigueres ahi ke vimos dike the strokes hehe.

New York is just plain out a fun was a bit cold but it kind of added a sense of freshness and gave the trip a bit more meaning...habia que congelarse pa fumar pk no se fuma indoors...bummer. Aunke we found a couple of underground places where we could hehe like that salsa club we went to, una lokera but anyways let me start properly. We landed at La Guardia Airport where everything was cooooooovered in snow. After the guy smashed the plane on the airstrtip we got off the plane and walked out to start figuring out how the hell to get to the apartment in Brooklyn. The snow was beautiful, but it wasnt like i thought, it really doesnt taste like anything.

We took a cab to the apartment and learned that public transport is the best way to get around if you dont wanna end up broke and starve. Luispunk lo hubiera hecho muy jevi...el sabe ahorrar...aunke charlie dice que hes better than him...oh well thats a whole different story. We met this dominican chick who owned a parlor in the building where the flat was supposed to be and she helped us find it. After we got in and settled we get a call from AA saying i left my passport in the seat pocket of the plane. Nada pal aereopuerto otravez a buscar la vaina....when we were on our way out of the apartment i had accidentally left the keys on the outside part of the door which jammed the lock heheheheheheheheheheh....we were stuck in there for quite a bit untill we saw the phone number of the parlor downstairs en el toldo so we called and the dominican lady helped us out.

I met charlies cousin Nati who is lovely...She invited us over for dinner, she lives in a cool place in new york se llama Tribeca or something like that. The thing is that she secretly got us really drunk with whiskey before dinner, then Alan her husband got home and took out some more the time we were out of there we were pretty buzzed. Alan sort of told us everything there is to do in NY so we headed out the in the middle of the night to get some things from that list out of the way but instead we ran into Arlene's Grocery and went in there. It was freezing outside aswell. There was an emo rock band playing called The Finals which was ok, but some japanese crazy assholes from osaka were on tour in ny and played there. The craziest live show ive ever seen. Luispunk wudve loved those guys, they had trombones a chick dancing and they got in the crown and climbed on top of ppl and played trumpets like weird little animals. Charlie left me alone the whole night he left with some chicks and i found him on my way out where we asked two other girls for directions and took us to another club instead where i got kicked out for smoking inside. Before heading home that night we saw a crazy dude wearing barely nothing walking in the freezing cold as if he was in bahamas or something...very random.

The next day after walking all over ny we met up with david y fuimos pal estudio de kanky. El kankiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...hehe ta igualito. Salimo de ahi con davicito marlen y pily y cojimo pa H & M a ver ropa y nadie compro na. Bajamos pal food court pk lo tiguere tenian hambre and we ate before walking down to manhattan center studios to get in line to see the strokes. K maldito frio hacia en esa fila y charlie y marlen se guillaron jevi jevi dike pa ir al baƱo y se metieron en un starbucks leaving me and david freezing to death in the line. Na entramo pal show y lo primero ke hicimo fue compra cerveza y fumar aunke no se podia. Concert was really good, the sound was great. The opening act was a bit weird. Bueno ahi van par de clips. If you have a slow connection and wanna see the videos anyways just pause it and give it time to load after clicking play.

The next day we went out to this really nice italian restaurant called Max's and i had the best lasagna ive ever tried in my life. Nati, Alan and their friends took us bar hopping afterwards and the night ended in that salsa club i was talking about earlier....very crazy place. We ended up taking a train back to the flat with a weird chick who charlie claims was one of the aliens from south park because thats she had a really weird fucking funny voice just like sounds something like "oooobbb loob dlooob oob"...she was my friend tho so we accompanied her untill her stop. Melody came back with us to the flat pk no habian guaguas pa NJ.
We Flew back to miami where i phoned my mom to stay another week and we partied very hard resulting in me getting sick as hell. Thats about it. The slide theme today is full of pics from the trip...its easier that way. Thanx Joel for taking the pics...well most of them hehe.

nos vemos hasta el post que viene...sorry i didnt post anything for almost a whole month eke como ke le perdi el hilo a eto. enough, no one is reading this far...if you are its because you never get laid.

Listening to:

Belle and Sebastian -
If You're Feeling Sinister
Kooks -
Eddie's Gun
Jethro Tull -
Aqua Lung