The timing couldnt have been any betterHeeeyy hows everyone today??? havent posted in the last couple of days , i apologyze i got caught up with life. Well heres a short summery of what has happened since then. To begin with i got fired from work, i hired my girlfriend back and ive been drunk ever since.
Thats pretty much's my favorite part of posting, when i get to talk about anything i want to because theres really nothing else i can say. Im happy, today is one of the first days in the past three months i can say im truly happy and i hold no grudges, exept for my suporisor, she can burn in the flames of her case die of a high colesterol heart attack.
Theres nothing or no one that can put me down today. Charlie gets here tomorrow, cant wait to go pick him up at the airport...Im gonna make one of those cardboard signs with his name written on it and pretend im a driver or something. Fun awaits.
Im gonna be able to spend christmas with my family which is nice and best of gonna be able to play...just play any time i want to...shows commin up...scheduling schedulingggg booking, dates, moneey, flyers, promo and the rest of the drill....
Its getting chilly at night isnt it?? i was at that miller tour thing last night and auro & clemt played...good show i must say....i went backstage and got a chance to talk bollocks with auro and company...nice guys...shortly after that i got extreemly drunk and got busted by security when i abruptly tried to get onstage...i really dont know what i was gonna do after that....maybe it was best they caught me.
This is what i looked like before i got fired: 
And after:
Here's a link to this
little game I found in
Alex Ferreira's blog which im addicted to. Beware aswell, dont abuse of its power. If ur into more psycodelic shit
charlie has a blogP.s. I got another job if ur still wondering about no offers thank you, thank you very much (in my best elvis voice) hehehe
Listening to: H.A.D. - Policeman & PlanesEtcetera Etcetera - The timing was FlawlessPeter Adams -Cementalisque**Click here to create your account .